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Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce


Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce


Small Axe’s Ghost Pepper Hot sauce will put your Scoville scale limits to the test!

Made with the notorious ghost pepper, it is far the spiciest hot sauce we have ever made! Of course, that doesn’t mean we skimped on delicious flavor.

The freshly ground chipotle powder adds a smokey dimension that masterfully neutralizes the ghost pepper spice. This bottle full of flavor and sting will be the perfect addition to a spicy seafood gumbo or any other slow cooked meal that needs a little extra spice!

Small Axe Peppers Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce is made with peppers are sourced from community gardens and urban farms in cities across the United States. San Diego, Tucson, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, Charlottesville, and many more have all sold peppers at premium prices to Small Axe Peppers Hot Sauce.

Heat Level: Extra Hot
