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Wine Jelly Trio


Wine Jelly Trio


Our Wine Jelly Trio is a tasteful fusion of Clif Family Wine transformed into culinary delights that are a tasty accessory for your cheese and charcuterie boards.

Our Gift Set Trio includes one each of each flavor:

  • White Wine Jelly: A delicate balance of flavors, ideal for pairing with light cheeses and appetizers.
  • Rosé Wine Jelly: Subtle notes of fruit and floral undertones, creating an elegant companion for brunch spreads and light fare.
  • Red Wine Jelly with Cracked Pepper: A bold blend of red wine infused with a touch of cracked pepper, perfect for complementing hearty dishes and charcuterie.

We make our wine jellies in small batches in our Organic Preserve Kitchen using Clif Family Wines.
