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Common Purple Lilac


Common Purple Lilac


The scent of Spring! Nothing beats the captivating scent of fresh Lilac in bloom. Lilac oils have been collected from the flowers and used in perfumes and lotions. Modern companies try to recreate the desirable scent for air fresheners and candles, but they'll never top the real deal. There is something so wonderful about having your very OWN Lilac shrub to welcome spring each year.

Common Purple Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) is one of the best Lilac bushes, and in fact, most other Lilac selections are rooted onto the Common Lilac roots! It was brought from Europe in the 1700s and was bred extensively to come up with many new selections still being grown today.

The delightfully fragrant flowers are large and profuse, and they provide fantastic spring color. They are showy in the landscape and make knockout cut flower arrangements. You'll create happy memories with this plant.

Lovely clusters of lavender flowers grow from the branch tips in mid-spring. They make a wonderful contrast to the dark green, heart-shaped leaves. Cold hardy in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 7, these plants bloom reliably in cold climates.


This large, carefree woody shrub has been a favorite for generations because they are so easy to grow. It is very hardy and can withstand really severe winters down to -40 degrees! Ancient Lilacs have been found growing around old farmsteads that are hundreds of years old.

You'll love it! So will neighborhood butterflies, pollinators, and hummingbirds. They'll be drawn to your yard by the delicious scent and fabulous color!