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Community Cards


Community Cards


Community Cards are digital gift cards that are branded for a main street, downtown, city or town, and can be used at anywhere from 10s to 100s of local shops and restaurants. They are great alternatives to national brand and ecommerce gift cards. They not only treat the recipient to a fun local experience, but they also "give back" to their community by supporting small businesses. Recipients have many choices - they could get a coffee at a favorite cafe, then visit a boutique or salon, then take a friend to lunch, etc, until the money on the card is gone.

Anyone can buy Community Cards online, and send them by email or hand out a printed version. They are popular with consumers and organizations alike, and are frequently used as teacher or essential worker gifts, employee rewards and recognition, and client appreciation, in addition to gifts for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, thank yous, or just because.


Community Cards are available in more than 550 towns and neighborhoods, and adding more rapidly - everywhere from Angels Camp, CA, with just a few thousand residents, to Times Square New York, Detroit, Newark, Chicago, Durham, Dayton, Nashville, and too many more to list. To browse a complete list: For images specific to a location, please contact

Yiftee is a technology and financial services company that powers Community Cards on behalf of its partners in each geography. It's free for the partners to set up and free for the merchants to participate. The Company charges an eDelivery fee when cards are sold, similar to Visa gift cards.