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Prickly Path


Prickly Path


The coyote is out for a daily stroll and is admiring how beautiful the desert is when the cacti bloom. Cacti in the wild like to grow in groups. But as the cactus groups expand, the path gets more prickly, and coyote must jump over the cacti and rocks to stay on the path. Create your groups of cacti to bring colorful fun (though a little prickly) to the desert.

Skills Focus: Strategy, Decision Making


By rolling dice and counting spaces, players take turns placing their cactus pieces on the gameboard. The goal is to try and plant your cactus pieces so they form groups of the same type. The more of the same type in a group, the more points you score. Players have a limited number of each type of cactus, so placement choices are important. The player with the most points at the end wins!