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dried flower bouquet wrap


dried flower bouquet wrap


perfect for a regular sized vase at home, our single dried bouquet wrap, our best-selling dried bouquet size, comes in four color stories and is the perfect mix of seasonal dried florals and textures. choose from:

romantic: shades of pink

bright: shades of yellow, coral, and orange

moody: shades of blue and purple

white & nude: shades of white, beige, nude & cream

our dried florals are real flowers that are either dried in-house or undergo a preservation process. so, yes, they're real! just dried and everlasting, giving any space the feel of real flowers without the maintenance required, including water.

dried florals are our favorite for gifts or home decor because they don't require upkeep - simply place in your favorite vase, swap them out with the change of seasons, and watch them light up a room.

note: bouquet measures approx. 6-8 inches wide and 10-12 inches tall. flowers will not be identical but color shades will be similar.


care tips

dried flowers are practically ever lasting, but are sensitive to certain environments and care. here's what to do:

no water, please! dried flowers are all set and don't need watering. placing them in water will actually damage them.
keep them away from moisture, sunlight, and air conditioning vents
try not to put them in high-traffic areas where they are likely to get hit or moved around heavy
if you have pets at home, especially cats, you may want to keep your dried flowers out of reach

ready to switch our your dried flower decor? gently tie your dried flowers up, and store them in an air-tight bin until next season. if you have any silica packets, pop one in to help keep moisture out. 

how to style

our dried bouquets are styled by our team and ready to pop into your favorite vase. this bouquet size is perfect for an approx. 1.5 inch vase opening. simply unwrap and style in vase in your favorite space.
bouquet dimensions measure 10 inches wide by 14 inches tall.