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Swiftie Discovery Set


Swiftie Discovery Set


We understand that it’s impossible to truly experience scents through a computer screen. That's why we have created our brand new discovery set, which comes with free shipping!

Try out our scents in the form of tealights before committing to a purchase.

There are no obligations or hidden conditions and shipping within the continental US is completely free. 🇺🇸

⏱️ Each tealight burns for up to two hours. ❤️


  • 1989 - sea salt and blonde woods
  • LAVENDER HAZE - myrrh & lavender
  • MIDNIGHTS - palo santo & saffron
  • OUT OF THE WOODS - icy vanilla & woods
  • REPUTATION - dragon's blood & palo santo
  • TORTURED POETS - chestnut, cardamom & manuscripts


Our discovery sets come with cutie-patootie tea lights that allow you to experience the cold and hot scents of each fragrance as it was intended! Please note, these are tea lights and are not meant to fill any space with noticeable scent - they are for you to test the scents hot and cold before making your purchase!