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Available on Örlö, $68 for a two-month supply or $49 for a one-month supply: supports brain, heart, joints and immune system. Örlö’s unique polar omega-3 structure provides three times the absorption of other algae or fish oils. It is Vegan, Non-GMO, Carbon Negative, and packed in a post-consumer recycled cardboard box, printed with carbon-negative algae-based ink.


More on the sustainability:

Every bottle of supplements saves 110 Pelagic fish and 1.1 KG of Co2 eq (equivalent to driving around 3.2 miles)​.

By going straight to the source, Örlö protects oceans and fish ecosystems, keeping them completely undisturbed.

Örlö’s algae is grown via the world’s first carbon-negative indoor, year-round production process in Iceland using 99% less land and water resources compared to other algae growth methods​ and yielding algae made from 100% renewable resources, including waste-stream CO2 and glacial melt water​.

Örlö’s sustainability measures extend through to the packaging which features a reusable, recyclable glass bottle for consumers to refill every 30 days. There is no secondary packaging and shipping materials are post-consumer recycled content that use algae ink in place of soy or petroleum-based inks.