Hip Daddy

06 12

‘Summer Hip’ Father’s Day Gift: Surfside Supply Swim.

Summer means travel, and travel hopefully means beaches and pools, which means…get your swimwear game ON Hip Daddy!

It’s a fave, and still relatively unkown, which is why we are always trying to talk about them, #IYKYK.  Surfside Supply Co. might just make the best summer trunks, #facts.  They can’t be beat on style and design, yet affordable too.  It’s the type of suit everyone will ask about, and that’s a Hip Daddy compliment 🙂 So without further adieu…

This one for you boardshort Hip Daddys (Duke Cocktail says it all btw), this one for you palm tree lovers, and finally this one for you skull print rockers!  Time to travel, time to look goooood on Father’s Day, let’s go Surfside!